Requests come in to change user roles - usually from Coachee to Program Director (occasionally among other roles).

Changing any roles in CECI must be done by a Super Admin.

There are two scenarios for changing a role in CECI.

Scenario A:

If the request comes from a Community Liaison directly, the role can be changed without verification.

1. Super Admin can find the Admin functions by hovering over their name in the top right corner.

2. ONLY use the Manage Users tab on this page. All other tabs are for the dev team only.

3. Click Manage Users

4. Click Search for Users. Preferably use the email address of the user you are changing. Sometimes users have more than one account and you want to make sure you are changing the role of the correct account. Also, check the name of the person with that account.

5. You will see what role they currently have when you find the search matches

If you see the match of the email and name you are looking for and verify that the role that they currently are is not what was requested, then click Edit.

6. Scroll to the last item in the Profile and click on the box to view the drop down menu

Select the role you are changing the user to and click Update User.

7. Once you have changed the user's role, respond to the Inquiry in the ticketing system to confirm that the role has been updated in CECI. 

Hi (Inquirer's first name),

I have updated this user to be a (new role) in CECI.

(Your name)

Scenario B: Coachee to Program Director

If the request comes from a Coach or from an individual directly, search for the user that they are requesting a change for (could be themselves or someone else) the same as Steps 1-4 in Scenario A.

5. Once you find the match, click Masquerade. Masquerading means that it will take you to that user's account and you will be able to see everything that they see (note: if you make any changes in the masquerade mode, you will be altering that user's account, so unless they request you to do something in their account, do not actually add or adjust anything in this view)

6. When masquerading as that user, click their Early Achievers tab. You should see them attached to the program they work with.

Click on the program.

7. Click the Program Profile box

8. Scroll down and find the name of the Community Liaison

9. Once you have found who the Community Liaison of the program is, logout of this user's account. You must log out of the user's account to stop masquerading as the user.

10. Go back into the ticketing system and forward the Inquiry for changing the user role to the Community Liaison with the message:

Hi (Community Liaison first name),

(first name of inquiry requester) has asked to change their role to (role they are asking to be).

Do you approve this request?


(your name) 


Hi (Community Liaison first name), 

(name of inquiry requester) has asked to change (name of person that they want to change the role of) from (role they currently are in the system) to (role they are asking to change the user to).

Do you approve this?


(your name)

11. When the Community Liaison responds approving the request, follow Scenario A steps 1-7 (with Step 7 being the response to the original ticket request)

Scenario C: Coachee to Coach

If the request comes in from an individual to change to a Coach role, you will need to verify that they are employed as a coach by CCA or DCYF to update their account. 

Email Michael Snow and Leah Irwin to confirm coach. 

If the coach is asking to change the role of their personal account, find out their new work email and create a new account for them as a coach role with their CCA email. If they already have a CCA account but are listed as a Coachee, change that role to Coach.

Send email to requester informing them that their role has been changed or that you have created an account for them and what the email is and the default password that you created. 

Finally, ticket should be marked as RESOLVED and the tag should be assigned Change User Role