Restoring Course Content Pieces with Undelete

Caveat: This works 99.99% of the time but is not foolproof. It's a good place to start if you only need to restore a few specific things. 

  1. In order to use this option, go to the home page of the course you want to restore content in.
  2. In the URL bar at the end of the web address add "/undelete" so that the URL reads
  3. Once you hit enter, you will be given a list of restorable items in the course.
  4. Click restore next to the items you would like to restore.

Canvas Documentation

Using the Canvas Beta and Test Instances To Export & Restore Content

UW Beta Instance Login Portal:

  • The Beta Instance is reset weekly on Sundays. So if there were changes made prior to this past Sunday, those changes will be present in this version of the course. 
  • This will be the most recent version of the course.

UW Test Instance Login Portal:

  • The Test Instance is reset every 3 weeks. Once a reset happens, the course in Test pulls from the current state of the actual course. 
  • This will be a close copy of the existing course.

Faculty and staff have access to these instances so feel free to pass these links along to faculty members to see which version is the most relevant to then export and prepare to move into our active Canvas instance. When importing into our active instance, keep in mind to use the selective import to only include content that needs replaced.

Canvas Documentation

Restoring Deleted Courses*

You can restore reset or deleted courses through the Canvas sub-account Admin Tools. To do this you will need the reset/deleted course's Canvas Course ID.

If you cannot locate the Course ID number, you can access the instructor’s user details and look for the Course ID under Page Views. The Course ID can be found by viewing the number at the end of the browser URL of a page view in the deleted course (e.g.

Restoring a course restores the previous course URL and all content. However, enrollments cannot be restored.

*Courses are are deleted due to the UW Canvas Retention Policy cannot be restored.

Canvas Documentation