General Policy

Panopto Data Retention Policy is somewhat different than the Canvas Data Retention Policy although UW does have the two systems integrated. Recordings will not automatically be deleted when the Canvas course is deleted but instead have a separate time frame for archiving and deleting. The archived state is unique to Panopto.

Implementation date Content Action Taken Content retrievable?
Begins March 20, 2024
Archived recordings not viewed in the previous five years Permanently deleted Cannot retrieve
Recordings in general storage not viewed in the previous five years* Deleted Can be retrieved from recycle bin for 90 days
Recordings not viewed in the previous 18 months Archived Yes; allow up to 48 hours

Copying Panopto Content via Canvas Course Import

When copying content there is a relatively new process in place that will allow instructors to copy the Canvas content using the Import Content > Copy a Canvas Course workflow and then copying the Panopto content from the previous Panopto folder. The new Panopto course copy process updates all recordings that were embedded using the Panopto tool in the Rich Content Editor. 

It is recommended that instructors embed their Panopto recordings using the Panopto icon in the Canvas RCE when adding the content to their course.

When using the new process:

Note: If instructors do not do both copy steps in the correct order (in Canvas and Panopto) there will be access issues and recordings may be subject to the Data Retention Policy.

Note: This process takes some time and should be done at least 24 hours in advance.

Note: Instructors will need to check to make sure that none of the recordings in the course that they are copying from have been archived by the Data Retention policy prior to initiating the Panopto copy process in the new course as archived recordings don't copy. Reference Guide: How to Restore Archived Recordings

Canvas Documentation

Panopto Documentation

UW-IT Documentation