NARF is an acronym for New Appointment Request Form. This College Database is a place for faculty and staff to submit requests for short term employee appointments. The NARF provides a guided request process and approval and processing routing. Requesters can get feedback and check progress of their request.

Visit the Database

Business Owner

NARF database is managed by the COE HR and payroll team.

Technical Contact

Developer, Paul Hanisko or, is happy to get feedback and suggestions and can help with application errors. For desktop and browser support contact


  • Any COE faculty or staff may be granted access to submit appointment requests in the NARF.
  • The COE fiscal team has access to review requests and approve budget allocations.
  • The COE HR and Payroll team has access to manage and process requests, ultimately entering them into the UW HR/P system.

Request Access

Employees must complete College Database Training & Agreement before they can get access to this system.

Contact the HR team at to request access.