The College Student database provides a unified view of student records that includes up-to-date and accurate UW data integrated with local college data. It provides a centralized common view of student/advisor affiliation, student placements, and teacher certification. Provides tools for reporting.

Visit the Database

Business Owner

Student database is managed by the Office of Student Services.

Technical Contact

Developer, Paul Hanisko or, is happy to get feedback and suggestions and can help with application errors. For desktop and browser support contact


Faculty, advisors, and other support staff have access to the College Student database.

Specific program administrators have additional access and responsibilities for records including placements, milestones, and teacher certification.

Request Access

Employees must complete College Database Training & Agreement before they can get access to this system.

If you are COE faculty or staff and need access, please complete this form. This College Database includes protected personal information. You will be asked to complete the College Database and Institutional Data Training before getting access.