Canvas login portal:

Once there, use your UWNetID credentials to get access to your Canvas courses.

Troubleshooting Canvas Access Issues

Error: User Not Authorized To Login In To Canvas

For reference, this may be the error you are seeing on Canvas.

Note: Individuals that are not on UW Payroll with an active UWNetID are unable to gain access to Canvas without being provisioned access by a UW affiliate.

Solution: Provisioning Canvas Access for Active UWNetIDs

To resolve this issue, you can follow these instructions:

  1. Acquire the instructor's UWNetID.
  2. Log into the Provisioning Request Tool (PRT).
  3. Select a reason under Provision Reason for the Canvas and Panopto Service.
  4. Select the Provision Service button under Action.
  5. Have the individual follow the instructions sent to their email address to access their provisioned services.

Here is an example of a user provisioned for UW G Suite with the canvas provision is in the screenshot too! 

UW-IT Documentation