Zoom: Someone is in my personal meeting room
It sounds like your personal meeting link has been shared with someone you don't know; the email you
How do I update Zoom to the latest version? My computer won't update when I open the Zoom installer
To check if you need to update your current version of Zoom, open the application and:
1. Within t
How do I enable breakout rooms and pre-assigned rooms?
To enable Breakout Rooms, and the ability to pre-assign participants into rooms, sign in to the Z
What version of Zoom am I running?
Open the desktop Zoom app and:
Select your profile icon on the top-right of the screen.
Zoom: rename myself?
search for switch "allow participants to rename th
Pre-assign Zoom Breakout Rooms
If your students all have set up their UW Zoom Pro accounts (free to students), then you can pre-
Use Zoom Breakout Rooms
Zoom breakout rooms allow students to work in small groups and then rejoin full-class sessions. T
How to Facilitate Zoom Sessions
Zoom features like screen sharing and annotation allow you to use visual aids to facilitate learning
How to Schedule A Recurring Zoom Meeting
Scheduling a recurring meeting allows you to share a single Zoom link with students that they can ac
How to Setup Zoom for Virtual Office Hours
You can use a scheduled meeting or your personal meeting room to host virtual office hours. If you p