Below is a timeline summarizing upcoming updates and includes links to relevant documentation on each change.
March 22, 2023 —Shared Drives that do not have a current UW employee’s UW Google account ( in theManager role will be restricted. You will still be able to view and download existing files in restricted Shared Drives, but you will not be able to add new files to restricted Shared Drives. If your personal NetID has the Content Manager role on a Shared Drive, you can submit a request to have it promoted to the Manager role to avoid this restriction.
August 29, 2023 —RestrictedShared Drives deleted: Restricted Shared Drives and all files within them will be permanently deleted. Unlike other deleted content in Google, these deleted drives and data cannot be restored.
August 29, 2023 — Shared UW NetID UW Google accounts & data deleted: UW Google accounts and all associated data for Shared UW NetIDs will bepermanently deleted. As noted above, this cannot be restored.
June 11, 2024 —All UW Google accounts set to100 GB storage quota: All UW Google accounts will be set to the final 100 GB storage quota. Accounts in violation will be deleted.