Here is a list of UW alternatives to UW Google drive / shared drive services. Please contact the CoE help desk with questions.

Any Google folder that you own, or is added to your drive can be right clicked, and downloaded. This will .zip the file and convert google doc formats to .docx format:

If the folder is larger than 2GB, it will be broken into multiple .zip archives. On a Mac computer, these archives need to be reconstructed in a specal way. Please see the help desk for assistance.

With "Google Takeout" you can download large amounts of your Google drive to a .zip file. Google will break larger downloads into 2GB .zip files. These files will need to be reassembled after downloading.

Additional documentation:!

To reconstruct multiple .zip archives on a Mac computer (please see the help desk for these steps)

cd to your directory (usually the downloads folder) then run this command: