What is the Recruitment Database?
Recruitment is a COE College Database that provides a self-help system for prospects to register interest in the College and ask questions of College staff. It provides tools for programs to identify and recruit interested prospects. Implements simple email campaigns. Provides event RSVP forms.
Visit the Database
Business Owner
Recruitment database is managed by the Office of Student Services.
Technical Contact
Developer, Paul Hanisko hanisko@uw.edu or edhelp@uw.edu, is happy to get feedback and suggestions and can help with application errors. For desktop and browser support contact edhelp@uw.edu.
Any College of Education faculty or staff with interest in prospective student lists. Generally Office of Student Services and program administrators.
Request Access
Employees must complete College Database Training & Agreement before they can get access to this system.
If you are COE faculty or staff and need access, please complete this form.