What is the Courses Database?
The Courses database is a COE College Database that helps the college plan future course schedules.
Visit the Database
Open Courses database
Business Owner
The college's Curriculum Coordinator can help with questions about the planning process and information in the Courses database.
Technical Contact
Developer, Paul Hanisko hanisko@uw.edu or edhelp@uw.edu, is happy to get feedback and suggestions and can help with application errors. For desktop and browser support contact edhelp@uw.edu.
Any College of Education course instructor automatically has access to the Courses database. They can review their planned courses and enter room preferences.
Program Directors, Area Chairs, and Deans have access to the Courses database to develop and review plans.
AST and program support staff have access to enter plans.
Request Access
If you are COE faculty or staff and need access to the Courses database, please fill this form to request access.